Saturday, December 31, 2022

Can Natural Progesterone Help Cure Hypothyroidism?

Millions of people have hypothyroidism, and many people with hypothyroid conditions have a progesterone deficiency. This deficiency in progesterone can lead to numerous symptoms and can be a big reason why the synthetic or natural thyroid hormone you’re taking doesn’t seem to be working well.

In some cases, a progesterone deficiency can contribute to the development of hypothyroidism, and when this is the case, addressing this problem can help to restore the health of the person who has the hypothyroid disorder.

The problem is that many doctors don’t do anything to determine if someone has a progesterone deficiency. In other words, when they suspect that someone has a hypothyroid condition, typically they will recommend the basic thyroid blood tests, and if these come out positive, they will then recommend that the patient take thyroid hormone daily for the rest of their life.

While this might help to manage the hypothyroid symptoms, it obviously won’t do anything to help with a progesterone deficiency.

How To Determine If A Person With Hypothyroidism Has A Progesterone Deficiency

In order to find out if someone with a hypothyroid condition has a deficiency in progesterone, one obviously needs to test the sex hormones. Once again, most doctors don’t do this, as they are trained to simply obtain tests to measure the levels of thyroid hormone.

But an imbalance in one or more of the other hormones can not only potentially cause hypothyroidism, but even in cases where it’s not a direct cause, such an imbalance will usually lead to numerous symptoms, and perhaps even other conditions.

As a result, if I suspect any patient of mine having a hormone imbalance I will recommend that they obtain a male or female hormone panel. This test not only measures the levels of progesterone but will also determine the levels of estrogen, DHEA, testosterone, etc.

I use a company called Diagnose-Techs, as not only are they reliable, but they are one of the few labs which also measure the levels of the pituitary hormones FSH and LH. While the focus here is on detecting a progesterone deficiency, since hormones are interactive it’s a good idea to evaluate the other important hormones which come on a panel.

Should Natural Progesterone Be Used To Correct A Deficiency?

For someone with hypothyroidism who has a progesterone deficiency (or anyone else with a progesterone deficiency for that matter), it might seem like a good idea to give that person natural progesterone.

Without question, natural progesterone can help with progesterone deficiency, and many people have received wonderful results when taking this bioidentical hormone. The problem is that natural progesterone won’t do anything for the actual cause of such a deficiency.

So before any doctor recommends natural progesterone to a patient, the first thing they will want to find out is what the cause of the progesterone deficiency is. For example, if the cause is due to a complete hysterectomy, then the person very well might need to take natural progesterone on a permanent basis.

On the other hand, if the uterus and ovaries haven’t been removed, then the person might not need to take natural progesterone at all. In addition to finding the cause of the progesterone deficiency, they also will want to determine how severe this is. 

If someone has a severe progesterone deficiency, then once again the person might need to take natural progesterone, even if they haven’t had a complete hysterectomy.

For person who has a severe progesterone deficiency but has not had their ovaries removed, they might need to take natural progesterone, but if this is the case it most likely will be on a temporary basis. Some medical doctors have everyone with a progesterone deficiency take natural progesterone on a permanent basis.

The problem with this approach is that it won’t do anything to correct the hormone imbalance. So while I’m not at all opposed to giving natural progesterone when needed, I feel that too many doctors rely on this bioidentical hormone, and don’t do anything to figure out what the actual cause of the disorder is.

Using Natural Treatment Methods To Restore Progesterone Levels

For those people who have a progesterone deficiency and still have their reproductive organs intact, following a specific natural treatment protocol can potentially restore their health back to normal. This type of protocol will usually require changes in the person’s lifestyle, and sometimes a detoxification program is also necessary to help balance the hormones.

Such a protocol can be challenging, but in many cases, it is possible to fix the problem, rather than just have someone take natural progesterone continuously to manage the symptoms.

It’s a good idea to seek the advice of a competent natural endocrine doctor, who can determine whether or not you have a progesterone deficiency. Then based on the test results this doctor will either recommend that you take natural progesterone, or will recommend a natural treatment protocol to help restore your progesterone levels naturally.

You of course want to consult with someone who has an open mind, as many medical doctors will be opposed to you following a natural treatment protocol, while some holistic doctors might actually be opposed to giving natural progesterone, even when doing so can help tremendously. You might be tempted to self-treat your condition, but taking this approach can be risky, as many people who self-treat their condition end up overdosing.

In summary, people with hypothyroidism who have a progesterone deficiency might be able to benefit from taking natural progesterone. However, it’s important to understand that natural progesterone isn’t a cure. Even when a progesterone deficiency is causing or contributing to hypothyroidism, giving someone natural progesterone won’t cure this condition.

Someone in this situation should follow a natural treatment protocol in order to balance their hormones, correct the progesterone deficiency, address other necessary areas which may be compromised, and ultimately cure the hypothyroid condition.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Hypothyroidism is NOT the life sentence you think it is!

Most doctors think there is no cure for hypothyroidism. They’ll say you have to take drugs to control it for the rest of your life.

But this is not true anymore. Because it turns out there’s a root cause for hypothyroidism. And now there’s a cure for that root cause — a cure that’s been enjoyed by thousands of people around the world.

No more fatigue, no more depression, no more aching limbs, skin blemishes… and no more meds or visits to the doctor.

Read about this hypothyroidism solution here — you’ll be so glad you did…