Thursday, February 24, 2022

46 Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism Include

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism over a year ago! Since then I have done a lot of research on the subject to see what causes hypothyroidism, what the symptoms are, and what can or can`t be done to treat it.

Today I am on Synthroid 0.150 micrograms and there are not many days when I can actually say that I feel good! I have no appetite, losing weight, my hair is dry and brittle, no energy, bad headaches, constipated for days at a time, then there are days that I really think I am losing it.

I find it very hard to fall asleep and when I do I can sleep for 10–15 hours without waking. I just feel like a little part of me is dying every day! Yet my doctor says this is normal. Well, I am sorry but I do not find anything normal in that!

I asked my doctor about a natural remedy, but we all know how doctors feel about the subject of natural remedies for hypothyroidism! I searched on the internet for natural remedies and I found tons of sites with this info, but does it really work? I have not as yet met or talked with anyone who has tried it, so now I asked myself “Where do I go from here”

Is there something I can do or take that will help me? Are there certain foods that I should not eat? Am I forever stuck with Synthroid?

Synthroid is not natural and the body can and will reject it, it is foreign to our bodies. Synthroid is the first medication I was prescribed for hypothyroidism!

Are there side effects from taking Synthroid? I asked my doctor and he told me not to worry, it was safe! But how can something that is not natural be safe for humans to take?

With all these unanswered questions it makes it even harder to understand what hypothyroidism is. I know that millions of people have hypothyroidism and they take their Synthroid faithfully each day as prescribed and some people feel great.

I just wish I was one of those people because I honestly do not remember the last time I felt great!

Below I have listed the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

Early symptoms:

Late symptoms:

Less common symptoms:

So now that I know the symptoms of hypothyroidism and I can say I have nearly all of the above, what if any hope is there for finding something to help me and probably thousands of others suffering from hypothyroidism?

If you have hypothyroidism and are taking or doing something that does help, please take the time to leave me a comment and let me know what you are doing and how it has helped you. In doing so you will not only be helping me but perhaps thousands of other hypothyroidism suffer!

At this point, I think I would be willing to try anything if it will help!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Hypothyroidism LIE — it’s not a permanent disease

Some years ago when I was originally diagnosed with hypothyroidism my doctor told me that there was no cure for the disease. He told me I would have to take drugs to control it for the rest of my life.

But given that I completely got rid of my hypothyroidism symptoms just over 18 months ago — and they haven’t come back since…
…you’ll understand that I’ve lost quite a bit of faith in my doctor!

Because it turns out there’s a root cause for hypothyroidism.

And now there’s a cure for that root cause — a cure that’s been enjoyed by thousands of people around the world.
I’m one of them.

You can be one of them too.

No more fatigue, no more depression, no more aching limbs, skin blemishes… and no more meds or visits to the doctor.

Read about this hypothyroidism solution here — you’ll be so glad you did…