Sunday, January 8, 2023

Raw Thyroid — Can it Help Hypothyroidism?

Many people have hugely benefited from raw thyroid intake. In order to treat problems of hypothyroidism, raw thyroid has proved to be much more beneficial than normal supplements and capsules. They can be defined as natural supplements. They are far more effective than the prescribed medications. Now the question is what is raw thyroid?

They are the glandular extracts taken from the bovine race (mainly cows). They are kept or preserved in freezing conditions. At such low temperatures, the enzymes, hormones, and vitamins that are associated with the glands are naturally preserved.

The glands are usually extracted from animals in New Zealand. In this country the animals are raised naturally, they are usually free-range and no growth hormones or chemicals are involved in the process of raising them. The tissues are naturally free of toxicity and retain good quality.

It has been found that those people who take raw thyroid have found immediate relief. The symptoms of hypothyroidism have shown a significant reduction on the very next day.

The blood tests were showing improvement as the results were moving towards normalcy. All the abnormal levels in the blood were slowly taking their normal values. The patients have said that they enjoyed normal life after the intake of raw thyroid.

But then if they forgot or missed their doses of raw thyroid for some time, then the symptoms were gradually surfacing. So it is important that you continue with the doses for a time period prescribed by your doctors.

Hypothyroidism is a problem that cannot be overcome so easily and too abruptly; as soon as you find that you are no more suffering from the problems associated with hypothyroidism you simply cannot choose to discontinue your doses.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism are something that cannot be detected so easily. They are very common and can go pass unnoticed. Hypothyroidism is a condition where the gland thyroid is not able to produce the thyroid hormone in the required amount.

The amount is far less than what is required by the body, and this is the reason why supplements are given to patients in order to reduce the symptoms and bring back the body to normal conditions.

Usually, medicines are chemicals and are not in a very good position to acclimatize themselves as the body product. But raw thyroid will adapt itself to the conditions of the body to produce the hormones naturally.

In this way, it can control the symptoms of excess fatigue or exhaustion, and it can stop the gain of weight uncontrollably. A feeling of coldness gets the better of the patient; all these symptoms can be controlled quite effectively. So it is better in many ways than medicines.

It shows the immediate effect after its administration and usually produces no side effects, unlike other medicines. But then as previously mentioned, one should not feel too satisfied with its action and just simply decide to discontinue the doses. The removal of symptoms does in no way mean the eradication of the problem.

Also here is something important you don’t want to miss!

Hypothyroidism LIE — it’s not a permanent disease

Some years ago when I was originally diagnosed with hypothyroidism my doctor told me that there was no cure for the disease. He told me I would have to take drugs to control it for the rest of my life.

But given that I completely got rid of my hypothyroidism symptoms just over 18 months ago — and they haven’t come back since…

…you’ll understand that I’ve lost quite a bit of faith in my doctor!

Because it turns out there’s a root cause for hypothyroidism.

And now there’s a cure for that root cause — a cure that’s been enjoyed by thousands of people around the world.

I’m one of them. You can be one of them too.

No more fatigue, no more depression, no more aching limbs, skin blemishes… and no more meds or visits to the doctor.

Read about this hypothyroidism solution here — you’ll be so glad you did…