Thursday, February 24, 2022

Is Coconut Oil Safe for Hypothyroidism?

It is said that 27 million Americans have a thyroid condition, and more than half are left undiagnosed. Thyroid diseases are frequently misunderstood and too often misdiagnosed, which can lead to a series of health problems related to metabolism like:

  • General fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin

Out of all the different thyroid conditions, the most common one is hypothyroidism. But regardless of your thyroid gland problem, you will need to take care of yourself, starting with the right nutrition.

Nutrition is so important in helping fight your hypothyroid symptoms. In addition to the basic nutrients, there are a few other things to consider as well. Coconut oil is something you want to consider adding to your diet.

Coconut oil is mostly made up of medium-chain fatty acids. These fats are very small and passively absorb and diffuse through the cell membranes. The liver uses these fatty acids as an energy source.

These fatty acids also help support thyroid function. Supporting your thyroid function helps promote a healthy metabolic rate.

Coconut oil is absorbed into your body differently than regular oils, so it is not an oil that contributes to weight gain. It can however help with losing the weight that was gained with your hypothyroid because it is helping reset your metabolism.

It also contains loric acid which is a stimulus to your immune system and contains anti-viral properties. (These are the properties only found in breast milk). It can replace butter and works great when you fry vegetables.

Coconut oil may also help to reduce your cholesterol because hypothyroid patients tend to have higher cholesterol levels. Coconut oil can be found in your local health store, and some grocery markets have started carrying it as well.

If you can, you want cold-pressed organic extra virgin oil. Coconut oil is not a “cure” for your thyroid, but it can be very helpful for thyroid support.

Utilizing Coconut Oil

Adding coconut oil into your everyday diet is the fundamental objective of using coconut oil as a natural cure. You might consider taking a tablespoon by mouth every day or essentially adding the oil into your normal cooking practices.

However, you would like to make certain to utilize organic natural coconut oil regardless.

  • Add up to 1/4 cup a day to hot teas and coffee
  • Use up to 1/4 cup a day in cooking
  • Up to 1/4 cup, a day added to smoothies

Finally, many, many years later, I discovered that I had severe hypothyroidism and that opened up a whole new world to me. I began to research the complex world of the thyroid and things began to make sense. In an effort to love my thyroid and adrenals back to health, I discovered my best friend: coconut oil.

Also, Pay Close Attention To This:

Hypothyroidism is NOT the life sentence you think it is!

Most doctors think there is no cure for hypothyroidism. They’ll say you have to take drugs to control it for the rest of your life.

But this is not true anymore. Because it turns out there’s a root cause for hypothyroidism. And now there’s a cure for that root cause — a cure that’s been enjoyed by thousands of people around the world.

No more fatigue, no more depression, no more aching limbs, skin blemishes… and no more meds or visits to the doctor.

Read about this hypothyroidism solution here — you’ll be so glad you did…